• December 18, 2015
A house mover NJ moving a wide load
A Quality House Mover NJ

The age old problem… You love your home, but you want to move to a new location.  You’ve customized your home over the years and made it your own, but you’re ready to move to the area you’ve dreamed about all your life.  Maybe it’s the beach, perhaps the country.  Either way, you’re going to need a house mover NJ.

It’s time for a NJ house moving company when you need to get your home from point A to point B.  Before you pull the trigger on hiring a house mover, consider your options.

Ask yourself, do you really NEED to live in the same exact home?  Maybe there’s some sentimental value that you can’t let go.  Maybe the home has some historic value.  If either of these are the case, the answer to my question may very well be a resounding “yes”.

If not, you may want to look at the current real estate market and see what you can get for your money.  You may be able to afford a much newer, bigger, and better built home for the cost it would take to move your existing structure.

Keep in mind the risks involved with both scenarios!

Moving a home is no easy task.  Highly specialized equipment is required to move the home off of its existing foundation.  This in itself is a huge deal.  The amount of space surrounding your home can greatly influence the difficulty of this process.  If you have lots of open space, all of the heavy machinery will easily be able to lift the home off of the foundation and load it onto the truck.  If it is a tight space, smaller machines will need to be utilized which makes this job a bigger ordeal.

Once your home is safely loaded onto the moving truck, you have passed step #1!

Now it’s time to consider the route.

How far do you need to move the home?  Is your house mover NJ going to have nice wide roads with little traffic to navigate?  Or is he going to be precariously squeezing down narrow streets, weaving throughout traffic, or possibly drive through uneven surfaces.

All of these situations will influence the difficulty, and ultimately the cost to you as the homeowner.

When you get to the destination, it’s time to do it all over again…in reverse!

A new foundation will need to be set.  Do you need to raise your home in order to meet flood elevations? Think about this carefully.  If your new home is being placed in an area that is at risk of flooding, you’re going to want all safety measures in place.  (We’ve gotten this far…God forbid your house floods after making this trek!)

Once you decide on a foundation, the home will be set into the new space.  Hopefully the trip went well and there wasn’t much that needs to be repaired.  There’s a good chance you need to do some drywall repair due to the shifting involved.

Finally, you’ll need to connect to the utilities.  If you’ve hired an experienced house mover in NJ, then this shouldn’t be a problem.  They’ve done this hundreds of times!