Buy Evolution Seed for a lush green lawn as shown in the backyard of a olive green sided home
  • May 19, 2022

There is no competition quite as fierce as the competition between neighbors over who has the best lawn. Every spring, homeowners begin purchasing, applying, and treating their yard with new seed, pesticides, and weed killers. Nobody wants to be the house on the block whose lawn is overgrown and full of weeds. Although there is a group of people who are for keeping lawns natural, having an unkempt lawn is different. It is one thing to have beautiful wildflowers mixed with a few weeds, but is altogether a different thing to completely neglect your lawn and let it go to invasive weeds. One way to ensure your lawn stays lush and healthy is to buy Evolution Seed.

Why Evolution Seed Works

Branch Creeks Evolution Seed is nothing if not effective. Check out any customer reviews about their experience with using Evolution Seed and you’ll find nothing but positive feedback. The simple reason for this? Evolution Seed works. It is a very easy to use seed that doesn’t require a fertilizer starter. Plus, it can be used in cool weather environments, in sunny locations, and in areas with shade coverage. One of the best things about Evolution Seed is that is part of the Branch Creek Regenerative Turf system. The products included in this system are all aimed at improving the soil health. This is in contrast to toxic chemical laden products that actually deplete nutrients from the soil. When the soil health is attended to, lawns are easier to care for, require less intervention, and grow healthier and lusher.

In addition to being simple to use, resilient, and effective, it’s what is and what isn’t inside the bag that makes Evolution so impressive.

What’s in the Bag

Grass seed labels contain a lot of information. It can be difficult to translate what everything means. Labels found on grass seeds include information such as germination rates, varieties of seed, percentage of weed seed, percentage of crop seed, and more. Let’s take a closer look at the label on a bag of Evolution Seed.

The first thing you’ll find is a statement that says “Grass seed mixture powered by Paleo seed treatment.” The paleo seed treatment is what gives Evolution seed its power. This coating improves germination, thereby, improving success.

Next, you’ll see a list of grass varieties including multiple tall fescues, ryegrass, and bluegrass. Next to those names is their percent of germination, or how much of the seed should grow. The germination percentage for all of the tall fescue varieties is 90% and the rye and bluegrass rate at 85%. This means all but 10-15% of the seed in the bag will grow. You’ll also see where the seeds are sourced from. In the case of Evolution Seed, the seeds originate in Oregon and Washington.         

The next section is important because in the case of Evolution seed, it tells you everything that isn’t in the bag. When you buy Evolution Seed, you are buying almost pure grass seed. There is no crop seed, no weed seeds, and less than 1% of inert matter. Plus, it also states on the label that no noxious weed seeds are found. The higher the percentage of these “other” seeds, the lower the quality of the seed. When you buy grass seed, you want to be paying for grass seed, not other seeds.

Lastly, there should be some dates and general information. These dates will specify when the lot was tested for all this information as well as the purchase by date.

Where to Buy Evolution Seed

Buy Evolution Seed for a lush green lawn as shown in the backyard of a olive green sided home

When you want to buy organic gardening materials, it is important to find a reputable supplier. We found one New Jersey named Tech Terra Environmental and you can not only buy Evolution Seed here, but many other effective, safe, turf care and gardening products.