• March 12, 2021

Web design is a complex field. In order to do it right, a website designer has to know a lot about a lot of things. Coding, graphic design, good business and customer service are just a few of the fields web designers need to be experts in. As a part of the general population, most people don’t know much about this job because it is such a specialty and involves so many subjects. It also means that when speaking with a website design company, it can be confusing and overwhelming when you don’t understand what they’re talking about. With just a little bit of knowledge about some of the most common terms of web design LBI, a business owner can competently speak with their website designer to achieve the desired result. 

Web Design LBI Terms Relevant to Business Owners

While anyone can, and many individuals do, have a personal website for things like blogs or sharing creative projects, most website designers are dealing with business owners. In this article we are going to focus on words and definitions applicable to these owners who are in need of a website.

Back End / Front End

When it comes to web design LBI, you are going to hear the terms front end and back end a lot. The front end is the website that the population sees when they visit your web address. The back end is the place where all the design, content, media, and coding controls what that site looks like and does. Depending on what type of content managing system (read on to learn about this) your web designer uses and how comfortable the owner is at computer work, some business owners can manage their own websites once it is designed and launched. In other cases, the company may prefer that the designer controls everything on the back end.

Call to Action

A call to action tells the website visitor what to do. Phrases like contact us today, click here to learn more, and download now are all calls to action. Design elements such as banners and buttons are also a type of call to action because they move the visitor through the website.  The purpose of a call to action is to ultimately convince the user to complete a designated action like making a purchase or signing up for services.

Content Managing System

This part of the framework that a website designer LBI uses to build a website. This would be a website where the website administrator can manage things like pages, media, and color themes. Examples of some content managing systems (also widely known as CMS) are WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix. A CMS allows someone to update a website without having to use code. These sites are typically fairly easy to use with minimal computer knowledge so just about anyone can use them.


The domain is the name of a website. This is important because not all names are available so deciding on a website name can be difficult. As more and more websites are launched, domain names become less and less available. Most web design LBI companies are experts at creating domain names that are relevant and unique.

Landing Page

A landing page can also be though of as a home page or a main page. You can think of the landing page as the top option in a drop-down menu or a parent category. For example, many websites have landing pages for their services. They may then have specific location pages where that service is available as a child of that page. Most are created in order to lead the visitor to an end goal or desired action and make use of many calls to action.


This is the term used to speak about how a website user moves through the website. This can be how the page scrolls, where the menu is located and how it works, and also includes headers and footers. Any button or action that takes the end user to a different location on the website is considered navigation. It is important to know about this because it is highly affected by design.

Search Engine Optimization

This is a critical topic for both web design LBI firms and for website owners alike. Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is the process of making a website more “visible” to search engines. A website with little traffic can be virtually invisible to popular search engines. In order for a website to be effective, it must be seen. As search engines become more advanced, optimizing websites becomes more and more difficult. A lot of SEO is built into the site on the back end. Things like meta data on pictures and title tags contribute to improving a website’s ranking.

Web Design LBI Doesn’t Have to be Confusing

Web design LBI employee at work. Picture is taken from behind the subject and off to the left. We can hands on a keyboard and 2 screens of code in front of an employee wearing a grey hoodie.

Most business owners aren’t website designers. There is a reason that there are so many successful web designers. It is a very technical, involved field that takes years of practice. Plus, the technology is ever-changing so continued education is a must. D-Fi Productions is a web design LBI company that is top in their business. One look at their portfolio tells you that they know web design. Their sites are easy to navigate, functional, and up to date with all the latest design elements. If you need a website designer on LBI, call them today.